Terms Of Service
Via Development's Terms Of Service
1. Introduction
Thank you for using Via Development's services! By using our services, you agree to comply with our Terms of Service. These terms are in place to ensure that you use our services responsibly, securely, and in accordance with the guidelines provided below.
2. Acceptance of these Terms
By accessing and or using any of the services provided by Via Development, you acknowledge that you have read these terms. If you refuse to abide by any part of these terms, then you are not permitted to access or use our services.
3. Use of services.
By using our services, you affirm that you are at least 13 years old. Use of our services is also subject to Discord Terms Of Service and Discord Community Guidelines.
Failure to comply with either Discord's or Via Development's terms will result in the termination of your access to our services.
4. Reproduction
Via Development does not permit reproducing and or replicating our services without proper authorization or permission.
5. Privacy Policy
If you would like to view the privacy policy of our services, you may view them below.
Mr Poll's Privacy Policy Xene's Privacy Policy
6. Termination
Via Development reserves the right to terminate accesses to our services under the following circumstances
Breach of Terms
Violation of any of the terms outlined in this document or failure to comply with our policies.
This may also extend to policies listed in our Discord servers.
Abuse of Services
Usage of our services in a manner that may cause harm, harassment, or disruption to other users is strictly prohibited.
Please be aware that, even in the absence of a direct violation of the terms listed above, we reserve the right to terminate your access to our services. This action may be taken to safeguard the well-being of our users, ensure the security of our services, and adhere to legal requirements.
7. Changes to Terms of Service
Via Development reserves the right to update these terms at any time. If at any point these terms are updated, you are still responsible for reviewing these terms for any new changes.
Additionally, a team member of Via Development will provide an update when these changes are posted publicly either on our site or in one of our Discord servers.
8. Disclaimer of Warranty
The services are provided "as is" without any warranty. Via Development disclaims warranties regarding the functionality, reliability, or suitability of the services.
9. Limitation of Liability
Via Development is not liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the services provided.
Contact Information
If you would like to ask any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us either in our discord server or email us at contact@viadev.xyz
Last updated